General Information-60S
If the instrument is to be shipped to a Tektronix
Service Center for service or repair, attach a tag
showing the following: Owner (with address) and the
name of an individual at your firm who can be
contacted, complete instrum ent type and serial
number, and a description of the service required.
Save and re-use the package in which your 608
M onitor was shipped to you . If the original packaging
is unfit for use or is not available, repackage the
instrument as follows:
,. Obtain a carton of corrugated cardboard with a 275
pound test strength, and having inside dimensions of
no less than six inches more than the instrument
dimensions; this allows for cushioning.
2. Surround the instru ment with polyethylene sheeting
to protect the finish.
3. Cushion the instrument on all sides by tightly
packing dunnage or urethane foam between the carton
and the instru ment, allowing three inches on all sides.
4. S eal the carton with shipping tap e or with an
industrial stapler.