Instruction Manual
Tek-LCD 7801C
Technology Solutions
After creating the On-Of Control with Randomizer channel, assign this channel as the input
for the relay controlling the pump.
Open Channel Flow
The built-in math formulas in the Tek-LCD 7801C makes the setup of open channel flow
applications an easy task.
All you need to know is type of device being used and the formula for calculating the flow
rate using the head height.
The first thing to do is to create a channel for measuring the head height of the weir or
This example shows the setup for a 3" Parshall Flume with a maximum head height of 3ft.
Scale the 4-20mA input.
Select the type of weir or flume installed.
Enter the constant K, the channel used for measuring the head height and the specified
Select the flow rate units.
The Controller calculates the flow rate in the specified engineering units.
The units can be changed at any time without making any other changes.