© 2013
553_D - 04/13
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A Watts Water Technologies Company
Temperature adjustment in the home menu can result
in either permanent temperature setting change or
temporary temperature setting change that lasts 3, 6,
9, 12 hours or until the next scheduled event.
Access Level: Installer
Range: OFF or ON
Conditions: None
Default: OFF
Set the minimum percentage the fan should operate
while in the event. This provides ventilation for the
building. Each 10% is 6 minutes per hour.
Access Level: Installer, User
Range: Auto, 10 to 90%, ON
Conditions: G/O RELAY set to FAN or ACC Relay set
to FAN. 10 to 90% available if Ventilation Mode is On.
Default: Auto
Set the minimum percentage the fan should operate while
in the event or Away scene. This provides ventilation
for the building. Each 10% is 6 minutes per hour.
Access Level: Installer, User
Range: Auto, 10 to 90%, ON
Conditions: G/O RELAY set to FAN or ACC Relay set to
FAN, and Schedules used or Scenes set to Guest or All.
10 to 90% available if Ventilation Mode is On.
Default: Auto
Set the minimum humidity level during the event.
Access Level: Installer, User
Range: OFF, 20 to 80%
Conditions: Humidify Mode set to HM1, 2, 3.
Default: 40%
Set the maximum humidity level during the event.
Access Level: Installer, User
Range: 20 to 80%, OFF
Conditions: Dehumidify Mode set to DHM1, 2, 3.
Default: 60%
Set the maximum humidity level during Away scene.
Access Level: Installer, User
Range: 20 to 80%, OFF
Conditions: Dehumidify Mode set to DHM1, 2, 3.
Default: OFF
Select if the humidification or dehumidification system
should operate during the event or away scene.
Access Level: Installer, User
Range: OFF or On
Conditions: Humidity Mode set to DHM1, 2, 3 or
Dehumidify Mode set to DHM1, 2, 3.
Default: OFF
Set Temp Menu (4 of 4)