The writeable registers are shown in TABLE MODBUS MAPPING referred to as W or RW (
write or read/write
). max
number of registers 56, see table page 21.
In the case in which a parameter is not enabled and / or the information is not provided we have the following answers:
Measured value
= 0000
Value AL
= Value written in E2PROM
Channel status
= 0000
Channel setting
= %00000000; %xxxxxxx0 (x=n.d.)
In case you try to set these thresholds incorrectly, the control unit NT311 D will not proceed with the programming and
storage of data, therefore in subsequent readings will read the data from the previous schedule.
After having sent a request for writing the control unit will take a time of about 1 '' to store the data in eeprom, during the step
of storing the module ModBus will not be able to process additional requests.
If the demand for programming is successful, the unit automatically resets and loads the new values
Note_1: HUMIDITY commands from ModBus - Simultaneous programming of both actuators is not permitted; in this case
the default value is stored.
In the event that information is sent in writing to a register can’t be written (only READ) data will be trashed without affecting
the received message.
The information "RELAY STATUS" indicates the state of excitation of the coils of the relays, so it will be subject to the
commands of "FAIL SAFE".
At the end of the write command (Write) is carried out a check of compatibility data:
If you have a non-compatibility "exception" for an answer and the data packet is rejected in its entirety. The
code of the first erroneous data can be obtained by reading the log "Error received data". (NB: this code is lost
during RESET or new power or writing data in E2PROM);
If the data are correct, they are transferred to the non-volatile memory (E2PROM), the historical data is reset
and a reset of the system is subsequently forced
If the WRITE command implies only writing "COMMANDS" it will be implemented autonomously and without
RESET, i.e. without affecting the data of the control unit.
ERROR CODES (exception codes)
In case of a wrong request, ModBus will answer with modified codes and codified errors according to the following:
- Unsupported function code
- Wrong data address
- Wrong data (for instance length)
In the event that all the relays: ALARM - FAN - HEATER are disabled the relay test will not take place.
On the other hand, some combinations are programming errors because they are wrong settings; in this case the error code is
ILLEGAL_DATA, This information is accessible to ModBus reading the register 7.
THi (HIGH) temperature programming out of range (10°C/60°C)
Tlo temperature programming. (LOW) out of range (-25°C / 10°C)
Humidity programming out of range (10% rH / 90% rH)
Dust programming out of range (10-25)
Data structure error BIT 0-6 (DATA) BIT 7-15 (SIGN)
Note; in case the values programmed from ModBus are out of range, a date "exception" error response will be generated.
No error 00
Code error 01
Code error 02
Code error 03
Code error 04
Code error 05