06. Do not open the door of the electrical cabinet or the operation panel unless absolutely necessary.
Opening the door allows dust, foreign matter, and moisture to enter the enclosure and can cause
machine malfunctions.
07. Carry out daily, monthly, and semi-annual inspection as specified in this operation manual.
08. Clean the machine so that any abnormalities can be found easily.
09. The output wiring of wind power system may cause a low voltage shock whenever the rotor is
turning. Caution must be implemented at all times to avoid electrical shock.
10. Please do not install wind power system near cliffs or precipices or on sharp hills such that the
wind does not travel horizontally through the rotor.
11. The weight distribution of the system is specially balanced. Any change of the system weight and
balance, especially the tail, may cause malfunction of the Furl Protection Function.
12. Additional Electromagnetic Brake Protection is provided by the electronic system controller;
please refer to the electronic system controller manual for more details.