"End of cooking" programmer warning light - The green light of the programmer (Fig.1) indicates
that the oven is working and that the cooking time is active.
Control thermostat warning light - The orange warning light of the control thermostat (Fig.1)
turns off every time the programmed temperature is reached in the cooking chamber. It switches
on again when the thermostat is triggered to re-establish this temperature.
Automatic humidifier warning light - The orange warning light of the automatic humidifier (Fig.1)
indicates that the water solenoid valve is operating and therefore humidity/steam is being
produced in the cooking chamber.
Internal oven light
- With the oven in operation, the internal light is always on.
To turn off the oven - Place the "end of cooking" programmer and thermostat knobs in the off
position. After use, close the water shut-off tap upstream of the appliance and disconnect it from
the power supply.
2.2 Wheeled models (mod. MKF 1664 S - MKF 2011 S)
These models are equipped with a special mobility system (patented) of the internal door glass.
The system allows you to “slide” the internal glass down or up, according to the application needs.
Glass "down"
To obtain this position the oven door must be completely opened and by exerting adequate force,
“slide” the internal door glass down until the mechanical “lock” device is engaged: the closing
“click” can be heard (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2