Table: TS-XDIO Registers 1-3 with MODE 2
Function and Description
Reg #1
Pin select / timer
bit 7
pulse time accumulate - keeps on
running adding pulse times
bits 6-4
input pin number (0-7)
bits 3-0
bits 19-16 of pulse timer
Reg #2
bits 7-0
bits 7-0 of pulse timer
Reg #3
bits 7-0
bits 15-8 of pulse timer
Table: TS-XDIO Registers 1-3 with MODE 3
Function and Description
Reg #1
bits 7-4
bits 11-8 of high time
bits 3-0
bits 11-8 of low time
Reg #2
bits 7-0
bits 7-0 of high time
Reg #3
bits 7-0
bits 7-0 of low time, one-shot
mode enabled if all zeros
TS-XDIO Programming Considerations
If quadrature index pulse is enabled, counter is reset on positive edge of index pulse if
DIO Data Register, bit 5 is set to 0, negative edge if set to 1.
Pulse width modulation (PWM) time is 2 + high / low time clock periods of 14.7456 MHz
or 32 KHz.
If using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in “One shot” mode (single pulse), Type is high
pulse (low-high-low) if DIO Data Register, bit 4 is set to 0, low pulse (high-low-high) if
set to 1.
One could use the 20-bit Pulse Timer as a free-running timer by setting the Accumulate
bit and setting pin select to PWM output (pin 5). 14.7456 MHz counter can be enabled
by “watching periods,” slower free-running counters can be had by clever use of high-
time and low-time PWM and accumulating pulse times. (e.g. high-time 1, low-time 224
creates a 65.536Khz free-running timer that overflows once every 16 seconds).
Edge counter counts both edges of a waveform; divide by 2 for number of periods /
frequency. To count X edges and then interrupt, pre-load counter value with 2^16 - X
and enable IRQ on overflow.
Max/min quadrature can be counted by enabling IRQ / DRQ on quadrature change of
direction. Max / Min is value +/- 1 as long as IRQ / DRQ latency is less than 1
quadrature cycle time.
The XDIO Core does not reset -- registers and state remain if board undergoes a reset.
Upon power-up, DIO Data Direction Register is all 0's (inputs), but other register
contents are undefined
Technologic Systems provides C API, source code and examples for TS-XDIO
programming. Visit the
TS-XDIO webpage
for more details.
5.12 LCD Header
The LCD Port can be used to interface to a standard alphanumeric LCD display or as 11
additional digital I/O lines. The header has been arranged to allow a 14-pin ribbon cable to
directly connect to industry standard LCD displays.
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