How to use it
Usage and command line help for this command follows:
$ sdlock –help
Usage: sdlock [OPTION] ...
Controls SD card lock and permanent write-protect features.
General options:
-p, --password=PASS Use PASS as password
-c, --clear Remove password lock
-s, --set Set password lock
-u, --unlock Unlock temporarily
-e, --erase Erase entire device (clears password)
-w, --wprot Enable permanent write protect
-h, --help This help
The "sdlock" Linux utility is available for download at our FTP server. Visit the TS-7300
page for the latest download links.
When the
SBC is configured with the TS-SDBOOT bootup firmware, the SD
unlock password can be stored in onboard EEPROM for automatic unlocking and booting
of password protected SD cards. By default, TS-SDBOOT will still boot unlocked cards,
but this behavior can be changed with the "--verifylock" option to the "tsbootrom-update"
command described above-- with the "--verifylock" option the TS-7300 SBC will only boot
locked SD cards.
TS-SDBOOT firmware contains several features for high security. One feature is the
ability to store a checksum of the SD card on the board to verify before bootup. If the
checksum fails, the bootup firmware will refuse to boot the inserted SD card. TS-SDBOOT
can also verify an arbitrary number of sectors of the SD flash card before allowing bootup.
If the stored CRC does not match the actual CRC, the board will refuse to boot and blink
the red LED continuously.
Another feature is the ability to boot a password protected SD card. With this, it is possible
to make an SD unreadable to any device except the
SBC to which it is assigned.
Although not directly a function of TS-SDBOOT, an SD card can also be made
permanently write-protected through a software command. The combination of these
features allows product designers several options on the security of their software and of
their deployed
SBC based devices.
The various SD commands that manipulate the password lock are marked as "optional" in
the SD card specification. This means that not all SD card vendors may implement them
in their devices. If they are not implemented, you will not be able to set the SD lock with
the "sdlock" command.
For further information, contact a Technologic Systems' engineer.
2.7 Debian Linux OS
SBC is shipped with full Debian distribution installed on the SD Card and
boots Debian Linux by default. The Debian is a full-featured and powerful Linux
distribution mostly based upon GNU tools. It includes everything necessary to easily run
Linux and develop Linux applications. In addition, various original Linux utilities and
installation tools are available to make system utilization and packages updating easy.
The Debian Linux is ported to ARM processors and runs with TS-7300 SBCs. With Debian
Linux, experienced Linux users have a complete Linux system to take full advantage of
their knowledge, and new users have an easy environment to get started with the Linux
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