1.9 Software and Support
Technologic Systems provides:
Free system software and documentation updates available on our web site
Free technical support by phone, fax, or email
30-day, money back guarantee on evaluation units
One-year, full warranty
Linux OS Support
The ARM processor (the EP9302) comes from Cirrus and the platform is very similar to
the Cirrus EDB9302 evaluation board. Cirrus has strongly promoted running Linux on this
chip and has done most of the legwork in creating a patch set to the Linux 2.4 kernels, but
we have also had to modify the Linux Kernel (TS-Kernel) so it can support NAND nad
NOR Flash chips (via mtd drivers), a compact flash IDE driver, A/D converters, SD Card
through the TS-SDCORE, video, additional ethernet ports and more. If you want to use
Linux and aren't tied to the x86 architecture, the TS-7300 can be very cost-effective.
The TS-7300 SBC's proprietary boot firmware makes
it possible for the board to boot directly from the SD
Card on the first socket, therefore the TS-7300's are
shipped standard with the full-featured Debian Linux
installed on the first SD Card. Debian can also be
used with an NFS root file system or USB flash
drives. The TS-Kernel used is based upon the version
2.4.26, patched and compiled for the Cirrus EP9302
ARM920T processor, and is real-time capable
through RTAI.
The root file system used by the Linux OS can be any of the following:
EXT2 file system image in the SD card
JFFS/YAFFS file system image in the on-board Flash (on-board flash is a non-
standard option on the TS-7300, please contact Technologic Systems)
NFS root, via Ethernet port (after fast bootup, one need to mount a NFS root and
chroot to it)
The TS-Kernel supports the
Application Interface (
making the embedded operating system capable of handling applications with
hard real-time restrictions.
Other OS Support
can be loaded with other operating systems such as Windows CE, NetBSD,
etc. Technologic Systems will provide support for these, and possibly other operating
systems, in the future. Currently, only
are supported on the
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