The fuel is stopped and the fan power is set
according to its shutdown setting. The controller
waits for all the remaining fuel to burn out by
monitoring the flame detector to go below the set
threshold (flue temperature or flame intensity). After
the Shutdown is complete, the controller transitions
to Clean state.
As in OFF mode, the device is safely transitioned to
an Idle state. However, the device will automatically
transition to ON mode when the system needs to
generate heat.
The device is in standby, awaiting for some of the
heated objects to need heating. When all the current
temperatures are above the set ones (or external
thermostat), then the system should not generate
any more heat and therefore stays in WAIT mode.
When the heating system cools down and a
temperature drops below the set one, the device
awaits a predefined time to transition back to
burning and keep the system as close as possible to
the temperature set.
Principle of operation