8.5.7 Setting tags
Skip as described above to a location in the recording where you want to add a tag.
Pressing the
button sets a tag at the selected location.
Tags can also be set or edited manually or automatically during recording
(section 9.1.4) and in the DVR recordings menu (section, where this is
enabled in automatic programme tagging (section 10.5.4).
8.5.8 Skipping to tags
During playback you have the option of navigating directly to locations in the recording where
you have set tags.
Using the
menu item in the
Options selection
, select the tag to skip to the
location you want in the recording.
8.5.9 Ending playback
Press the
button to end playback.
Playback will end and your receiver will return to normal mode. In doing so the receiver
"remembers" the place in the recording where playback ended. If you start playing this
recording again, it will automatically resume at the point where you previously left off.