CM CAN Combo
User Manual
Enable Traffic Shaping and Traffic Bandwidth [%]
Traffic Shaping is enabled. And it is possible to set a maximum
Traffic Bandwidth
the data is sent on the logging port. This is always valid for the 100BASE-T1 port
and GB-port. It cannot be configured separately.
For example, a
Traffic Bandwidth
of 40% means the maximum bandwidth, the
logged frames are sent to a logging device, connected on the 100BASE-T1 port
and/or GB-A port, is 40% of the maximum bandwidth of the specific port. (40Mbit/s
on the 100BASE-T1 port and 400Mbit/s on the GB-A port)
Traffic Shaping is deactivated, and
Traffic Bandwidth
is not configurable. The data
will be sent as fast as possible.
: The average input must not be higher than the average bandwidth on the logging
Destination MAC
Here you can configure the MAC-destination of the TECM protocol header. Default
Value is 01:00:5E:00:00:00.
Enable Packetization [ms], Timeout for Packetization
Packetization is enabled
Packetization is disabled
Packetization means, that more than one logged CAN-message is packed in one
TECMP frame. The maximum is limited by the number of bytes or the
Timeout for
. If one limitation is reached, the TECMP frame is sent out through the
logging port.
Maximum is 700 bytes for the payload of the TECMP frame.
Values for Timeout [ms] can be between 100ms and 65535ms.
Logging Ports for Packetization
Here you define, which port is using packetization.
GB-A is using packetization
GB-A is using no packetization
: Only one port can use packetization at the same time.