Enable All Notifications or adjust the setting as you wish.
Calls will show you an incoming call (number or name) on your wristband.
Missed calls shows you calls (number or name) of calls you missed. Information
of an incoming SMS can be seen in the wristbands main screen or can be read.
Therefore see chapter 11.
For Email you will only see the mail icon and the amount of email income on the
main screen of the wristband.
Social Media can display messages from e.g. Twitter, Facebook or Whatsapp
which can be read on the wristband under Notifications.
Calendar Events just show up in the main screen of the wristband to remind you
of arranged meetings or dates, no name will be displayed just the Calendar
Event icon.
Inactivity Alert
Enable and customize the settings for inactivity alert. This function will remind
you to move. E.g.: Take every 15 minutes, 50 steps. See the left picture below.
Inactivity Alert
How to use preset sleep
Set preset sleep