Manual TECHKON SpectroDens
3.8 Software module: PhotoLab
is an optionally available program module for evaluating and
displaying L*a*b* color data graphically. Color differences between sample and refer-
ence colors can be analyzed. PhotoLab is only available in the SpectroDens Premium
Furthermore, color values and complete color
books from the device memory or out of
the PC color library can be selected and be
moved by drag-and-drop with the mouse
pointer directly to the center of the display
where the L*a*b* color circle is.
A pop-up window will ask, if the values should
be used as sample or as reference values.
4. A mouse click on the program symbol
will start the plug-in PhotoLab within the
SpectroConnect environment.
1. In the upper section of the module win-
dow, the color differences between sample
and reference are shown numerically.
2. Reference: viewfinder with tolerance circle
Sample: bold point
The current selected value is marked in white.
3. Color samples and references are directly
imported into PhotoLab by making measure-
ments with SpectroDens having it connected
to the PC via the USB-cable.