– Measurement functions
Printing Curve
The measurement function
Printing Curve
displays a complete transfer curve, which
describes how screen dots (and tonal values) are transferred during the several pro-
cess steps of the reproduction process.
First, make the required settings in the
ing Curve Setup
1. Tolerance range can be set according to
standard values (in this case the ISO Paper
Class 1/2 was selected)
2. Dot (screen) frequency (only relevant for
the display of tolerance values)
3. Increments of the wedge to be measured,
e. g. in 5 % steps
In the first step a 100 %-(solid) patch is mea-
sured. SpectroDens recognizes automatically
the color and displays the solid density. In this
case D = 1.50 for Cyan.
The double arrow in the upper left corner in-
dicates that the next patch to be measured
will be a 90 %-patch. Now all other pre-set
%-patches can be measured on the measure-
ment wedge.
Step wedges with separation bars (as shown)
can be measured by scanning. Just keep the
green start-button pressed during the whole
scanning procedure.
1. 2.