RFID reader
2.2 Installation instructions
2.2.1 Reader installation
The WREM 81 MTM(VR) reader is already delivered in the MTMRFID module. It contains short 0,4 m long wires. Check
for any voltage drop on the supply wires so that it is not below Vin min. Use a separate pair of UTP cable (if used) for each
Wiegand signal, do not connect the W0 and W1 signals together in one twisted pair. Follow the MTM entry panel manual
regarding the assembly.
2.2.2 RS 485 bus
It is recommended to bring a twisted pair for the RS 485 interface into the switchboard, to be able to update firmware or
to configure WREM 81 MTM(VR). On the contrary to wiegand interface, this bus must be connected in one twisted pair.
The actual configuration is performed using eg the APSUSB converter and the APS Reader program.
2.2.3 Radio signal interferences
If a product variant should read 125 kHz, it is necessary to take into account another 125 kHz reader in direct range - for
example by both-sided door control. In this case, the readers may interfere with each other. In the techfass system, it is
possible to use the so-called synchronization of reading between the reader and the reading module, which then do not
interfere with each other.
In general, if possible, avoid mounting on metal substrates, it is recommended to perform a practical reading test or contact
Interference along the line, eg from an interfering power supply, can affect the reading distance or the reader's own