ST-402N User's Manual v 1.0.3
IV.c.3) Holiday Mode
After the user activates Holiday Mode, the pump operates when one of the following conditions is met:
The collector's temperature increases to the overheat temperature value (SERVICE MENU> Solar
Collector > Overheat Temperature) reduced by the value of the parameter Delta Holiday (SERVICE
MENU> Solar Collector > Delta Holiday). When this condition is met, the pump is activated to cool down
the collector. The pump is deactivated after the temperature is reduced by 5°C.
If the collector's temperature is lower than the tank's temperature – the pump is activated to cool
down the tank and will operate until the collector's and the tank's temperatures are level.
IV.c.4) Anti-Legionella
This function is only active when an additional device is connected (found under the function
in the Service Menu and then activated). Thermal disinfection involves increasing the temperature to
the required disinfection temperature in the tank – this reading is taken from the upper sensor in the
tank (in the case of using an optional sensor, the user should make sure that this sensor measures the
temperature in the upper part of the tank because this is the priority sensor for this function). This is
to eliminate the Legionella pneumophila bacteria that reduce the body's cell immunity. These bacteria
often multiply in tanks with stagnant hot water (at an optimum temperature of 35°C). After the user
activates this function, the tank heats up to the defined temperature (
SERVICE MENU > Peripherals >
Heater > Anti-Legionella > Anti-Legionella Temperature
) and maintains such a temperature for the
time of disinfection (
SERVICE MENU > Peripherals > Heater > Anti-Legionella > Anti-Legionella Time
and then returns to the regular operation mode.
From the moment of activating the disinfection, the temperature of disinfection needs to be reached in
no longer than the time defined by the user (
SERVICE MENU > Peripherals > Heater > Anti-Legionella
> Maximum Anti-Legionella Time
), otherwise this function is deactivated automatically.
IV.c.5) Manual Operation
Using this function, the user may manually (by pressing the ‘Menu’ button) activate and deactivate the
following to control the installation's equipment:
- Solar Pump,
- Second Solar Pump or Switching Valve,
- Peripherals - Additional Device (voltage-free contact e.g. for firing up the pellet boiler).
IV.d) Timer
Using this function, the user adjusts the current hour for regulator operation.
IV.e) Date
Using this function, the user adjusts the current date. The correct adjustment of date and hour is
necessary to calculate energy in a proper manner.
IV.f) Ethernet Module
Control of this type is possible after purchasing and connecting an additional ST-500 control module
(which is not added to the controller as a standard).
The Ethernet Module is a device for enabling remote control over the collector's operation via
the Internet or a local network. On the home computer screen, the user controls the status of all the
solar installation devices and the operation of each device is presented in the form of an animation.
After activating the Internet module and selecting the DHCP option, the controller automatically
downloads the following parameters from the local network: IP Address, IP Mask, Gateway Address and
DNS Address. In the case of any problems with downloading the network parameters, it is possible to
adjust these parameters manually. The method of obtaining the local network's parameters is described
in the manual for the Internet Module.
The function Reset Module Password may be used when the user changed the factory user's
password to his own password on the login page. When the new password is lost, it is possible to return
to the factory password after resetting the module password.