ST-402N User's Manual v 1.0.3
Scheme 12/17
Two Collectors, Two Pumps, Tank and Additional Heat
Installation 12/17 Operates:
The two Collector Pumps (the pumps operate
independently, each according to its own circulation).
The Accumulation Tank with bottom circulation.
The two directions of the collectors' location.
The Additional Heat Receiver.
The Switching Valve from the main circulation to the
additional receiver.
Installation Sensors:
The two Collector Sensors,
The Accumulation Tank's sensor.
The Additional Receiver's sensor.
It may appear that it is not possible to connect and select an additional device - the submenu Peripherals
is hidden in the controller's service menu. The switching valve operating the additional receiver is
connected instead of the peripherals.
Additional Parameters to be Adjusted:
Deactivation delta of pump 2.
Activation delta of pump 2.
Scheme 13/17
Two Collectors, Pump, Valve, Tank and Additional Tank
Connected in Series
Installation 13/17 Operates:
The Collector Pump.
The Switching Valve.
The Accumulation Tank – solar with bottom circulation.
The Second Tank (heated with an additional heat source
e.g. the CH Boiler).
One direction of the collectors' location.
Additional peripherals (not possible to cool down using the
DHW pump).
Installation Sensors:
The collector's sensor.
The two sensors of the Accumulation Tank.
The sensor of the second tank.
This installation allows the user to control which tank is to be
used to collect hot water for the facility (the regulator selects the tank with the higher temperature).
In periods of poor insulation (i.e. the winter period), water is taken from the second tank (heated with
an additional heat source, e.g. the CH Boiler). On the other hand, water from the Solar Tank heated
by the solar installation reaches the input of the second tank as cold water.
Additional Parameters to be Adjusted:
Valve hysteresis.