ST-402N User's Manual v 1.0.3
The heater is used to electrically heat the tank. The principle of operation is similar to that in the
previous case but the heater should be connected by means of an additional contactor. The user sets
the activation delta (the difference between the tank's set temperature and the tank's current
temperature), below which the controller will activate the heater. Then, the user selects the time interval
in which the electric heating function will be active (by means of the "
" and "
" functions).
Contact (not) Consistent with Pump
This setting determines the operation of the voltage-free contact. If the icon "Contact Consistent with
Pump" is marked, then the voltage-free contact will close always when the pump operates (the
additional device will activate). Otherwise (when the icon is unmarked), the contact will open at each
activation of the solar pump.
Cooling with DHW Pump
Option inactive in the case of setting the installation scheme number: 5, 8, 11, 13 and 15.
This is a function which operates beyond a time interval, namely all the time. Sensor 4 is required
for it to operate (installed in the external DHW Tank). This function may not operate when a scheme
using all sensors is selected. Furthermore, a tank sensor is needed for it to operate (in the case of two
sensors in the tank - the top sensor)
If the criteria referred to above are met, the peripheral will be activated (contact closing) when:
The tank's temperature during its growth exceeds its maximum temperature reduced by the
"Cooling Activation Delta" and operates until the temperature drops below the tank's maximum
temperature reduced by the "Cooling Deactivation Delta" (both parameters are adjusted in the menu).
The temperature in the tank is higher than the DHW Temperature. A constant hysteresis of 3
degrees is used here.
Calculation of Energy
Entering the following values correctly will make it possible for measure the gained energy in a more
precise manner.
At this point, the user should specify the quantity of glycol that flows through the pump in one minute.
Type of Agent
This function allows the user to identify the agent used: ethylene glycol, propylene glycol or water.
Glycol Solution
At this point, the user should specify the percentage concentration of glycol in water.
This function allows the user to calibrate the difference in temperatures between the sensors. The
temperature measurement takes place in the temperature sensor's installation place. There is a
possibility of deviations in the flow and temperature measurement at the return from the container.
The manufacturer does not recommend changing this setting.