Once this option has been selected, the additional device will serve as floor pump. Po zaznaczeniu tej opcji
urządzenie dodatkowe będzie pełnić funkcję pompy podłogowej ‐ służącej do sterowania pompą obsługującą
instalacje podłogową.
The following parameters are used to configure its operation:
Room regulator
This option is used to select the regulator which will inform if the pre‐set temperature has been reached.
Once the pre‐set temperature has been reached, the pump will be disabled.
Temperature threshold
This parameter defines the temperature of floor pump activation. It is the temperature measured at the CH
Maximum temperature
This parameter is used to define the pump deactivation temperature.
Sensor 1 selection
This option is used to select which temperature sensor should be used to provide data for controlling the
operation of the device connected to the additional contact – the heat source (activation threshold).
Sensor 2 selection 2
This option is used to select which temperature sensor should be used to provide data for controlling the
operation of the device connected to the additional contact – (pre‐set temperature).
If the user has an alarm installed at home, after selecting this option and connecting it to the additional
contact of the controller, it can synchronize with the alarms occurring in the device.
If the user has an alarm installed, with sound signal inside the building, the sound signal will be
activated if any alarm occurs in the controller e.g. fire‐up failure.
Remote operation
Once this option has been activated, the user may control the additional contact via Internet website.
Room regulator
Regulator TECH RS
Regulator standard
CH pump room regulator
Room reg. temp. lower
This function enables the user to configure the operation parameters of the room regulator connected to the
pellet‐fired boiler controller. It is necessary to activate the cooperation with the room regulator after it has
been connected, by selecting an appropriate type of room regulator. It is possible to connect up to two room
regulators to the controller.