PID operation algorithm
If PID control function is active, the fan and feeder operation depend on current CH boiler temperature and
the flue gas temperature.
This type of controller calculates the blow force on the basis of CH boiler temperature and the flue gas
temperature measured at the CH boiler outlet. The fan operates continuously and the blow force depends on
the CH boiler temperature, the flue gas temperature as well as the difference between these parameters and
their pre‐set values. One of the greatest advantages of PID regulators is their ability to maintain a stable pre‐
set temperature without unnecessary overregulation and oscillations.
Using this type of regulator with a flue gas sensor helps to reduce fuel costs by up to several percent.
Moreover, it ensures stable temperature of output water thus prolonging the life of the heat exchanger (of
the CH boiler). Flue gas temperature control at the outlet results in low emission of dust and environmentally
harmful gases. Flue gas heat is not disposed of through the chimney, but it is utilised for heating purposes.
Test results: TECH controller with PID control
Test results: TECH controller without PID
It may be activated by the user in the main menu or by the software in certain circumstances (e.g. before
automatic cleaning procedure, after a sudden temperature increase of 5⁰C or after flame loss in operation
Damping is a two‐stage process. The duration of these stages may be adjusted in the fitter’s menu.
Damping protection
The feeder is disabled and the fan operates at the speed defined by the fitter in the fitter’s menu. This phase
lasts until the sensor detects flame loss.
Damping delay
The fan operates at full speed.