Beep tone; ON / OFF
All entries via keypad are acoustically confirmed except for trans-
mission and monitor.
07 C-CDC
CTCSS/DCS code for actual channel;
OFF / 51 CTCSS / 106 DCS
Select the code for transmission and reception of the actual channel.
08 R- / T-CDC
CTCSS/DCS codes for transmission and reception frequency;
OFF / 51 CTCSS / 106 DCS
Select the CTCSS/DCS codes of the actual channel for transmissi-
on and reception frequencies separately.
Key illumination;
The keypad can only be illuminated via the illumination key (11).
CONT: The keypad illumination can only be turned off via the illumi-
nation key (11).
KEY : The keys are illuminated for 4 seconds after touching a
function key.
scan types TO / CO / SE
TO - Time Operated
As soon as an occupied channel is detected, the scan function
stops for a certain time and then resumes regardless whether the
signal ceased or not.
CO - Carrier Operated
The scan function stops as soon as a occupied channel is detected
and remains on this channel until the signal ends. Then, the scan
function resumes.
SE - Search
The scan function stops as soon as an occupied channel is detected.
11 TOT
Time-Out-Timer; OFF / 1-7 min
To avoid overly, constant transmission, which may cause overhea-
ting of the radio, the TOT function can be acitivated. The max.
transmission time can be set between 1 - 7 minutes.
12 SAV
battery saving function; ON / OFF
To reduce the power consumption, the unit switches to StandBy
operation after a certain period of time if no key is pressed and no
signal is received or transmitted.
channel name
A channel name can be programmed with a max. of five symbols,
including 0 - 9, A - Z and empty space
display mode; FREQ/ALPHA
Programmed channels can be displayed either as a frequency in
MHz or as a channel number or name. If the alphanumeric display
is selected and no channel name is programmed, the channel num-
ber, e.g. CH1, is shown.
tecom-ps_manual_1:Layout 1 25.08.2010 07:23 Seite 24