8.1 USB Movie
Do as the following instructions to play movies stored in the USB storage device.
1) In main menu, press UP/DOWN key to select “Movie” option. Press OK key to enter “Movie”
menu. It will list the files or directory in the USB device.
2) Select the desired movie file using the UP/DOWN key. Every directory displays only movie
file and folder name, as shown in Fig8-1. To return the previous directory or menu, press
MENU key.
3) Once you select the movie and press OK key. It will start to play, as shown in Fig8-2.
4) Press Pg-down key to fast rewind (FR) movie (×2, ×4, ×8, ×20, ×1).
5) Press Pg-up key to fast forward (FF) movie (×2, ×4, ×8, ×20, ×1).
6) Press SLOW key to slow down movie (1/2, 1/4, 1).
7) Press PREV key to play previous movie, NEXT key to play next movie.
8) Press Audio/LR key to switch among the left, right and stereo channels.
Fig8-1 “Movie” menu Fig8-2 Movie in playing
9) Press ZOOM key to enter into ZOOM mode:
Press Pg-up to zoom out (4, 3, 2, off, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4)
Press Pg-down to zoom in (1/4, 1/3, 1/2, off, 2,3,4)
Press UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT key to move the window in “Zoom In” mode.
Press ZOOM key again to zoom off.
10) Press PLAY/PAUSE key to play or pause.
11) All movies in the directory will be played consecutively if you don’t stop or pause it.
12) Press MENU or Stop key to return to movie list menu.
13) Press EXIT key to exit movie play mode and return to digital TV mode.