Before Use
Conventions about This Manual
This Owner's Manual largely describes how to control the
DV-20D from the provided remote control unit. The duplicate
buttons on the DV-20D provide the same functions.
The types of functions and operations that can be used for a
particular disc vary depending on the features of that disc. In
some cases, these functions and operations may differ from
the descriptions given in this Owner's Manual. In this event,
follow the instructions given on the screen. This Owner's
Manual only covers basic disc operations.
For some operations, the PROHIBIT icon “
” may appear on
the screen. This indicates that the operation described in this
Owner's Manual is not permitted for the current disc.
The drawings about the TV screen and front panel display
used in this Owner's Manual are purely for the purposes of
explanation. The actual displays may differ slightly from what
are shown here.
Read this before operation
As the unit may become warm during operation, always leave
sufficient space above the unit for ventilation.
The voltage supplied to the unit should match the voltage as
printed on the rear panel. If you are in any doubt regarding this
matter, consult an electrician.
Choose the installation location of your unit carefully. Avoid
placing it in direct sunlight or close to a source of heat. Also
avoid locations subject to vibrations and excessive dust, heat,
cold or moisture.
Do not place the unit on the amplifier/receiver.
Do not open the cabinet as this might result in damage to the
circuitry or electrical shock. If a foreign object should get into
the set, contact your dealer.
When removing the power plug from the wall outlet, always
pull directly on the plug, never yank the cord.
To keep the laser pickup clean, do not touch it, and do not
forget to close the disc tray.
Do not attempt to clean the unit with chemical solvents as this
might damage the finish. Use a clean, dry cloth.
Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
During playback, the disc rotates at high speed. Do NOT lift or
move the unit during playback. Doing so may damage the disc.
When changing places of installation or packing the unit for
moving, be sure to remove the disc and return the disc table to
its original position in the player. Then, press the power switch
to turn the power off, and disconnect the power cord. Moving
this unit with the disc loaded may result in damage to this unit.
“DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are registered trademarks
of Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby”
and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that
is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other
intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation
and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection
technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation,
and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only,
unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation.
Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
Kodak is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.
Windows Media and the Windows logo are trademarks, or
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and/or other countries.
“DTS” et “DTS Digital Surround” sont des marques déposées
de Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
Fabriquer sous license par Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby” et le
symbol double D sont des marques déposées de Dolby
Ce produit fait appel à une technologie de protection des droits
d'auteur qui est protégée par des déclarations de méthodes
exprimées dans certains brevets des Etats-Unis et par d'autres
droits intellectuels appartenant à Macrovision Corporation et
d'autres détenteurs de droits. L'utilisation de cette technologie
de protection des droits d'auteur doit être autorisée par
Macrovision Corporation et est destinée uniquement à une
utilisation à la maison et à d'autres usages de visionnement
limité, sauf autorisation contraire de Macrovision Corporation.
L'ingénierie par inversion et le démontage sont interdits.
Kodak est une marque commerciale de Eastman Kodak
Windows Media et le logo Windows sont des marques, ou des
marques déposées, de la société Microsoft aux Etats-Unis
et/ou dans d’autres pays.
“DTS” y “DTS Digital Surround” son marcas comerciales
registradas de Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
Fabricado con licencia de Dolby Laboratories. “Dolby” y el
símbolo de la doble D son marcas registradas de Dolby
Este producto incorpora una tecnología de protección de
derechos de autor que está protegida por los métodos de
ciertas patentes norteamericanas y otros derechos de
propiedad intelectual de Macrovision Corporation y otros
propietarios de derechos. El uso de este tecnología de
protección de derechos de autor debe estar autorizado por
Macrovision Corporation y está destinado al uso doméstico y
otras formas de visionado limitado exclusivamente, a menos
que así lo autorice Macrovision Corporation. Esta prohibido
intentar descompilar o utilizar partes del programa.
Kodak es una marca de Eastman Kodak Company.
Windows Media y el logotipo Windows son marcas registradas
o nombres comerciales de Microsoft Corporation en los
Estados Unidos y/o en otros países.