Rev A
of 64
Machine Zero
Since the pressing process is data driven, each axis must be properly zeroed before using. If any motor or
encoder is removed or loosened, re-zeroing will be necessary.
Figure 47
Z-axis Zero
The Z-axis zero point is defined by the relationship between the X/Y-axis surface plane that the support
fixture rests on and the lower surface of the tool holder that is in the press head tool holder. The Z-axis is
at the zero position when the tool holder lower surface is in the same plane as the top surface of the table
top (Fixture mounting surface) with 200 pounds force applied to take out all clearances. The Z-axis cannot
physically reach the actual zero point.
A special “Calibration/Thickness Tool” (2018055
-1) is provided with
the machine. The height of this tool is 56.79 mm [2.236 in.]. Using this tool, apply 200 lbs to the table top.
On the Machine Zero tab, set both “Z” and “ZL” positions at 56.79
[2.236 if English units are displayed]
and then press
Set Z
Set ZL
X/Y-axis Zero
The X/Y-axis zero is defined as the center of the press head positioned directly above the front-left dowel
hole on the fixture mounting plate (table top). This dowel hole represents the machine origin (0, 0). To
set/check the zero point:
1. Load the Calibration/Thickness tool in the press head manually using I/O output to open gripper.
2. Install 6 mm diameter dowel pin in the fixture mount plate at the Machine 0,0 point (lower-left dowel
3. Move the X & Y axis above the pin.
4. Slowly lower the Z-axis, making minor adjustments in X and Y until the dowel pin enters the hole in the
thickness probe.
When the position is satisfactory, go to “Points” tab and enter 0 in both the “X” coordinate box and “Y”
coordinate box and then press
Set XY
The table in Figure 48 provides information on the preventative maintenance schedule.