Rev A
of 64
These entries defined limits that establish the press forces during the connector press cycle.
“Min Force / Pin”
the minimum force per pin necessary to fully insert connector.
“Max Force / Pin”
the maximum force per pin necessary to insert connector without damage.
“User Force / Pin”
the force per pin determined by user.
“Other Force”
used to define other fixed force, not per pin (example: force from fixture die springs).
Percent Above Range Sample (a detailed explanation is given on the next page).
enter PARS percent desired during press cycle
“Start Height”
the height above board surface at which the range sample is initiated.
specified distance from the start height at which range sample is completed.
FORCE GRADIENT (“Degrees”) –
user defined angle of force vs. distance curve where press cycle will
Force Gradient angle is observed as the graph force curve suddenly increases, indicating connector contacting the PCB.
When the connector-seating results are undesirable, increase or decrease angle until desired seating is achieved. The
degrees value is not an absolute, since the observed angle depends on the graph scale.
This section of the Editor allows entry of critical Connector dimensions.
“Base Thickness”
This is the thickness of the connector between the inside (mating section) bottom
and the outside bottom. It can be defined as: the distance from the surface of the connector that
contacts the tool to the surface of the connector that contacts the PCB. It is used to calculate the
position the head must achieve to seat the connector to the proper height.
“Unseated Top”
Defined as: the distance from the surface of the connector that contacts the tool to
the surface of the PCB (typically measured with the connector preloaded into the PCB).
“Overall Height”
Defined as: the distance from the top surface of the connector to the ends of the
connector pins.
“Body Height”
Defined as: the distance from the top surface of the connector to the connector surface
that will contact the PCB.
“Seated Height”
This is the desired distance between the board surface and the bottom of the
connector. It is usually zero, but may be set above the board surface for press to height applications
SPC Entries
Figure 24
The SPC range should be set to capture the pins as they slide down into the PCB holes.
Generally, this is the flat portion of the curve, which occurs after the force knee indicating the compliance
section giving way to the force applied.
A “Start Height” of .025 with a “Distance” of .010 will capture the
average force from .025 to .015 (distance of .010 from the start height) off the surface of the board. These
are typical SPC range numbers, which should capture the pins sliding into the PCB. It may be necessary
to adjust the SPC range settings within the Connector Editor Screen (shown below), to suit specific
compliant pin types. See Figure 24.
TE Connectivity recommends using the same parameters for SPC Range as are entered for the PARS
Sample Range in the Connector Editor. This is due to the similarity of the force sample location necessary
for both.
Connector Editor Screen
SPC Section