Rev A
of 64
Depending on the access level of the person logged in, only some of the buttons will be available. The
unavailable buttons are not shown. The purposes of the buttons from left to right are as follows.
“Z Up”
Used to raise the Z axis after a normal cycle is interrupted. An interruption can be caused
automatically by an error condition, or manually by pressing the green START/PAUSE button or the STOP icon
on the screen.
“Go To”
Used for random access to any connector on the PCB. Using the mouse pointer, click on the desired
connector. The selected connector will be highlighted. Now press “GO TO” to select
this connector to be
pressed next. The automatic sequence will continue from this point once the cycle is started.
Used to access the tool rack information. A graphic image of the tool rack(s) displays the locations of
all the tools currently installed. This button is not available to all user access levels.
Double click to start the automatic pressing cycle. The double click requirement eliminates accidental
startup. The green “START/PAUSE” button will start the process in the same way.
Gives access to the SPC options. If SPC is not available, this button will be low lighted. This button is
not available to all user access levels.
Used to change the pressing location for all or selected connectors. The offset window allows a
stored offset to be changed for all connectors on the PCB, or only the current connector type. A check box
selects between these options. The Z axis offset is particularly useful in compensating for the many variables
encountered when pressing to height. When changing an offset, verify the name of the connector in the upper
right of the screen to avoid unexpected results. This button is not available for all user access levels.
“Profile Editor”
Used to enter a new pressing profile, or to modify the current profile at run time. See the
Editors section for details on usage. This button is not available for all user access levels.
Used to stop pressing at the end of the current process. The green “START/PAUSE” button will
stop the pressing process in the same way. Pressing “START” again will restart the process where it left off.
Used to return to the main screen as displayed on startup. This is usually done at the completion of a
press run. From the main screen, a new PCB can be selected, or the operator can log off. Logging off, when
leaving the machine unattended will prevent unauthorized access.
On Screen PCB Rendering
The PCB rendering drawn on the screen shows the connector locations relative to each other and the board
edges. It is a good check for gross errors when running a new program for the first time. It will be obvious for
example if a connector is off the board or if there is interference. It also shows the pressing sequence by
number and gives the connector name. To read the detailed information, zoom in by double clicking the
rendering with your finger on screen or using the mouse left button. You can step through the three zoom
levels by continuing to double click. Panning around the PCB is done by touching or pointing and left clicking,
then dragging in the direction to pan.
Interrupting the Pressing Cycle
Pressing the green “START/PAUSE” button during the pressing cycl
e will cause the head to stop. Once the
cycle is stopped, pressing the button again will resume normal sequence where it left off. This makes it
possible to slowly “jog” the tool into the connector to more closely observe t
he interaction between the
connector and tool.
The “Z Up” on screen button can be pressed to bring
the tool out of the connector. Pressing
the green “START/PAUSE” button after “Z Up” will cause the cycle to res
tart at the current position. To capture
a force graph for inspection, press the green button when the head starts up and hold it until the head stops at
the up position. You can also press the on-
screen “Cycle Stop” button.
The graph will remain on the screen
until the next cycle is initiated. The normal sequence can be restarted by pressing the green button again or
double-clicking the on-
screen “Run” button.
Changing the Pressing Sequence
The next connector to be pressed can be changed after a cycle has been interrupted. Using the mouse pointer
or f
inger on the touch screen, mark the connector to be pressed next, then press the “Go To” button
at the
bottom of the screen. Pressing the green button will start the sequence from the new point, and will
automatically step to the next connector according to the program.