• Every time you test, use a different puncture point. Repeatedly puncturing the
same point can cause a sore to form and callousing.
• We recommend that you wipe away the first blooddrop, as it could contain tissue
fluid that will affect the test results.
Performing a blood sugar test
In order to test your blood sugar levels, you require the following:
1. Insert a test strip in order to activate the meter
Wait until " " and " " are displayed.
2. Select the required mode by pressing
3. Taking a blood sample (j)
Use the pre-set lancing device to puncture your skin at the selected point. We
recommend that you wipe away the first blooddrop with a clean cotton swab. The
size of the blooddrop must be at least as large as (actual size), which equals around
microliter (µI) volume. Carefully squeeze the area around the puncture point to
draw a further blooddrop. Take care
to smear out the blood sample.
4. Applying the sample (k)
Carefully allow the blooddrop to come into contact with the absorbent opening of
the test strip at an angle. The test strip's control window must be completely full
when enough blood is applied. Do
take your finger away before the device
In order to limit the chance of an infection:
• Never share a lancet or lancing device with others.
• Always use a new sterile lancet. Lancets are single-use only.
• Ensure that you do not get any hand lotion, oil or residual dirt in or on the lancets
or lancing device.
Preparing the lancing device for a blood test
Follow the instructions on the package insert of the lancing device for drawing
a blood sample.
Preparing the puncture point
Stimulating blood perfusion by rubbing the puncture point before taking a sample has a
major impact upon the obtained blood sugar levels.
We recommend that you perform the following steps before drawing
a drop of blood:
• Wash and dry your hands before starting.
• Clean the puncture point with a cotton swab moistened with a 70% alcohol solution
and allow your skin to air-dry.
• Rub the puncture point for around 20 seconds before inserting the lancet.
• Use a clean cap (included in the kit) when setting the lancing device
• Testing using a fingertip (h)
Firmly press the lancing device against the underneath part of your fingertip.
Press the release button to puncture your finger and the device will click when
the procedure is complete.