2800 Laura Lane • Madison, WI 53562 | 800.288.9383 • fax: 608.836.9044 | www.tcsbasys.com
1 . Be sure to check and verify all wiring before powering the QD2040b .
2 . Apply power . The Power LED will turn on .
3 . If the QD2040b has not been pre-programmed, it can be programmed at this time .
4 . The unit is now ready for operation .
Power LED does not light up
Be sure that the power supply module, included with the QD2040b, is plugged in to an outlet that has power . This is a
12V, 5A, tip positive power supply .
No Communications with Controllers on the network
Make sure the baud rate selection for the QD2040b is set to match the baud rate of all the controllers on each port
network . All controllers on the network must have a unique address, excluding the reserved address ‘248’ . Network wiring
should also be checked .
The LEDs on the QD2040b indicate the current operating status of the QD2040b .
This LED will be on when the QD2040b is properly powered .
The two LEDs on the LAN 10/100/1000 card notes activity on the Ethernet . One light should blink intermittently and
the other should remain on all the time . The blinking light represents communications . The other solid light indicates a
proper Ethernet connection .
RS-485 PORTS (COM 1 & 2)
A set of LEDs allow the occupant to view operational status of the serial communication integrated board . Each port has
two LED’s to the right of the terminals:
– indicates transmitting (Tx)
– indicates Receiving (Rx)
Additionally, a single red LED indicating the serial ports are operational, is located inside the enclosure behind the
terminals .
Checkout & Troubleshooting
LED Description