Chorus and Flanger
A Chorus/Flanger is basically a short Delay that
is modulated by an LFO (Low Frequency
Oscillator). The difference between Chorus and
Flanging is the applied Delay time and the
Feedback parameter in the Flanger.
The modulation of the short Delay gives very
small variations in pitch. These pitch changes
blended with the direct sound gives you the
Chorus/Flanger sound.
A Chorus effect is typically used as a
smoothing effect where the Flanger is more in
the genre of “special effects”.
Flanger 1 and Flanger 2
The difference lies in a few fixed settings.
Flange 2 is more intense due to a higher
Feedback setting, a lower HiCut setting and a
higher Delay setting.
Before explaining how the M300
Compressor operates a little background
information on compression in general
could be useful.
A Compressor is basically used to reduce the
dynamic content of a signal. When the signal is
above the set Threshold the Compressor starts
to reduce the Output level according to the set
Ratio. With a reduced dynamic range a signal
is much easier to further control and will have a
more precise and “fixed” appearance in any
audio production.
Compression is a powerful tool. Correct amount
of compression applied on specific instruments
will create a homogen well-defined result. Too
much compressing applied will generally give
an un-dynamic, less musical and flat result.
Parameters associated with Compression
As soon at the Input signal is above the set
Threshold point the Output level of the
Compressor will be reduced by the specified
Specifies how aggressive the gain reduction of
the signal should be. With a ratio setting of e.g.
4:1- for every 4dB that is above the Threshold
point only 1 is passed to the Output.
Specifies how fast the gain reduction specified
by the Ratio parameter should be applied. The
Attack parameter in the M300 Compressor is
Chorus/Flanger - controls
In the Chorus/Flanger algorithms the
TIMING knob sets the Speed of the effect.
In the Chorus/Flanger algorithm the
FEEDBACK/DEPTH knob sets the Depth of
the effect.