Connecting and Setting up the M300
Setting up the M300 is very easy. It is, however, important to connect and setup the M300 correctly
according to your application. Setting up basically means: connecting, selecting one of the two
routing options via the switch on the rear panel and finally setting the MIX control on the front panel.
Find the setup you are about to create or similar on the following two pages - and follow the
Dual Send/Return
This setup applies to a mixer with two (or
more) AUX sends. It utilizes the two effect
sections in the M300 as two separate effects
with a common Output.
• On the rear panel select DUAL S/R routing
by leaving the switch in the “IN “ position.
• Connect AUX 1 send to the M300 Left Input.
• Connect AUX 2 send to the M300 Right
• Connect the M300 Left and Right Outputs to
the Stereo AUX L/R returns of either AUX 1
or AUX 2.
• Set MIX to 100% wet, as you in this setup do
not want the direct signal to pass the M300.
• Set Input level to 12 o’clock position.
• Set BALANCE to 12 o’clock position.
• Select Reverb type and Multi-effect type
using the selectors on the front panel.
• Set the AUX Return level on the mixer to
approx. 50%.
• Now slowly turn up the AUX Sends 1 and 2
on the mixer for the channels you wish to
add effect to.
• Adjust/fine-tune the M300 Input level so the
Input LED on the front panel often is Orange
but only rarely peaks at Red color.
M300 Routing Schematic