Chapter 3 Management through the Web
Home Page
TC8518 Rev 2.2 User Manual
Home: Unit Alarm
The Unit Alarm page displays the alarm status of the entire TC8518 unit. Alarm
trigger criteria can be set on this page. Users must click on "Apply" for changes to
take effect.
Unit Alarm Status
: Displays the TC8518 alarm condition.
Unit Alarm Settings
Alarm Buzzer Enabled: Enables the TC8518 to have an audible alarm to sound
when a fault is detected.
Dry Contact Enabled: Allows an external device to signal the alarm condition.
Alarm Trigger Criteria
: Click the 'Modify' button to configure the alarm triggers.
Web Application - Home: Unit Alarm - Criteria
Clear Alarm:
Clears all alarm signals on the TC8518. If an existing alarm is still
present and the page is refreshed, the alarm condition will reappear.
Alarm Cut-Off (ACO):
Clears all alarm signals on the TC8518. If an existing
alarm is still present and the page is refreshed, the alarm condition will still be off.
Only a new alarm that is triggered will change the Unit Alarm Status to on.
There is also a hardware ACO button located on the front of the
TC8518. It serves 2 functions:
1) If you press and release the ACO button, it will clear all
alarms until a new fault trigger is detected. Meaning, if an
alarm condition still exists, the alarm indicators will not
reflect as such.
2) If you press and hold the ACO button for 5 seconds, it
will clear all alarm conditions. However, if an alarm
condition still exists, then the alarm indicator will
immediately reflect it.