TC8518 Rev 2.2 User Manual
Acronym for Electronic Industries Association. EIA, a standards body, has a set
of standards which includes data communications and interface standards among
Product name for one of the first popular LAN technologies, later standardized as
IEEE 802.3.
Fiber Optic
Thin filaments of glass or other transparent material sheathed in an insulator
through which a light beam may be transmitted for long distances by means of
multiple internal reflections. A waveguide used to transmit digital information.
Flow Control
A method for a receiver to control the information flow from a transmitter. It
eliminates data overflow at the receiver.
Acronym for Field Programmable Gate Array.
Full Duplex
A communication method where both ends can transmit and receive
Half Duplex
A communication method where one end transmits while the other end receives,
then reverses the process.
A device for local area networks (LANs) that is used to interconnect multiple
devices over an internal bus.
IGMP Snooping
IGMP snooping is the process of listening to IGMP network traffic. IGMP
snooping, as implied by the name, is a feature that allows a layer 2 switch to
“listen in” on the IGMP conversation between hosts and routers by processing the
layer 3 IGMP packets sent in a multicast network.
IP Address
An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numerical identification (logical address)
that is assigned to network devices, in this case the TC3848-1. Each TC3848-1 in
the network will have its own unique IP address.