Replace flight controller
1. Remove the canopy and lift the TBS COLIBRI flight controller from its sockets on the rear end of the
2. Wiggle it slightly on both ends to avoid popping it off and bending the pins
3. Replace the controller and put it back on the sockets - ensure the controller is seated properly
4. Use TauLabs GCS to configure the controller with the default TBS GEMINI settings (see below for links
to the files)
GEMINI configuration
The default TBS GEMINI configuration setup (which comes pre-stored on the FC) can be downloaded from
, in case you
need to re-configure or reset the controller. Right-click, “Save as” and load the settings by selecting “File” and
“Import UAV settings” in the TauLabs GCS software.
PPM receiver protocol, UART1 Telemetry, UART2 disabled
Frame style set to X-style hexacopter
Reverse all motors
Yaw right to arm
Neutral throttle to spin all motors
Board orientation pitch set to +10 degrees
Tuned PID control gains
TxPID tuning possible but unassigned
Check the site to get our latest tuned TBS GEMINI configuration.