Miniature hexacopter for fast
FPV flight and multirotor racing
Revision 2014-12-02
The TBS GEMINI is the latest generation of
mini racer multirotors. Its revolutionary
design with forward tilting motors and
aerodynamic canopy as well as fully
integrated yet modular electronics turn it into a beast that will dominate any race event.
Optimize your setup for HD filming with a Mobius or as the ultimate racer. Both setups are capable of
operating on 3S and 4S setups, depending on your skill level and speed requirements. It is versatile enough
to become your take-anywhere, fly-anytime multi rotor and at the same time rip through trees and leave the
competition in the dust at races.
The frame is based on a design by award-winning pilot and one of the leading innovators in multi rotor
design, William Thielicke (aka Shrediquette). TBS added its own secret-sauce with a fully-modular, crash
friendly ESC and flight control installation. We get the best of both worlds: a tightly integrated component
layout that optimizes weight efficiency, but also repair-friendliness in case of crashes. And let's face it, these
things are made for crashing.
Assembly takes a few minutes as you add props, choose between the race and film setup and secure the
canopy. A full slew of spare parts are available to repair the hex after a crash.
Key features
Aerodynamic canopy for stability in forward-flight
Forward-tilting motors for efficient, high speed flight
Built-in FPV camera
Optional Mobius HD camera (film canopy)
CORE OSD/power supply with integrated current sensor
Ready for long range FPV
Stacked modular TBS 4A ESCs
High-quality T-motors with vibration dampening
4-inch propellers
TauLabs Quanton-based flight control
Crash-friendly, yet integrated layout