GNL - Rev. 07 - Mar/22
7. Adjustments and operations
Operations - important points
1. Retighten nuts and bolts after the first day of work and check the conditions
of all pins and cotter pins. Then, retighten every 24 operating hours.
2. Carefully observe the lubrication intervals.
3. Special attention should be given to the disc gangs, retightening daily during
the first week of use. Then, retighten periodically.
4. Choose a gear that allows the tractor to maintain a certain power reserve,
ensuring against unforeseen efforts.
5. Always inflate the tires with the aid of a contention device (tire inflation
6. Speed is relative to the tractor gear and can only be determined by local
conditions. We adopted an average 9 to 12 km/h, which is not advisable to
overcome, to maintain service efficiency and to avoid possible damages to
the equipment.
7. It is important to keep a constant speed during the whole operation.
8. Only people who own a complete knowledge of the tractor and equipment
must operate them.
9. Be on a wide field and maneuver on slow gear to hitch the equipment, being
ready to brake when necessary.
10. Remove sticks or any object that may get stuck on the disc blades.
11. The tractor drawbar must remain fixed during work and transportation.
12. Only pull the equipment using a tractor with enough power.
13. During work or transportation, do not allow passengers on the tractor or in
the equipment.
14. Always keep the equipment centered related to the tractor and leveled
related to the soil.