Section VI, Continued
Section VI, page 2
- Stereo Effect 2 on Aux 1-2, Stereo Effect 1 on Aux 3-4
Here we have each stereo effect on its own stereo
send. Remember, only one of these can be a reverb,
and you must have all 4 Aux/Buss paths assigned as
Aux to access this setting.
Aux 1
Aux 2
Aux 3
Aux 4
Effect Pattern
---------- FX-D1000 Additional Capabilities ----------
The FX-D1000 expansion card essentially doubles the internal processing power. The FX-D1000 effects
card can be assigned as 4 dynamic processors or two stereo effects, just as the internal effects can.
When combined with the internal card, the effect combinations grow to 20 different set-ups. However,
they all boil down to one of these three basic options:
- 8 channel dynamics
- OR -
- 4 channel dynamics and 2 stereo processors
- OR -
- 4 stereo processors
The effect processors on the expansion card have different effects capabilities, just as the effect
processors built into the board have different capabilities. Listed below is the summary of all the
Built in to the TM-D1000:
Effect 1: delay, chorus, pitch shifter, flanger, phaser, limiter, compressor, expander, de-esser, and
Effect 2: Same as Effect 1 plus reverb and gated reverb
On the FX-D1000 expansion card:
Effect 4: Same as Effect 1.
Effect 5: Same as Effect 2.
In case you’re wondering why there is no Effect 3, the mixer designates channel dynamics as Effect 3.
For this reason, you really won’t see Effect 3 in any set-up menus.
Again, as mentioned in the previous section, stereo effects assigned to aux sends need to be returned
somewhere. Channel dynamics and stereo effects assigned to the Master L/R Output are treated as
When multiple effects are run from the same source (Aux output or L/R), there are a few different typical
methods for that:
Applications for Parallel Stereo Effects on Aux Sends: This allows two separate effects to pull from
the same Aux Send. For instance, the Aux 1-2 could feed a delay and a chorus. The important thing to
realize here is that there is no delay effect feeding into my chorus, and there is no chorus effect feeding
into my delay. Also, since both effects are taking sound from both Aux 1 and Aux 2, there is no
independent control of each effect. This is useful however, for stacking two delays on the same signal.
Each could be set up with different delay times, allowing more polyrhythmic taps.
Applications for Cascaded Stereo Effects on Aux Sends: Here, you do have one effect feeding the
other. So, a chorus effect could feed a delay. This is a popular combination, because this means your
chorused rhythm guitar is also chorused in the delay signals. Another common application is to place a
dynamic before a reverb, or dynamic before a delay. This helps control the amount of effect, so that if a
loud section of the lead vocal is followed by some softer parts, the reverb tail (or delay taps) from the
louder passage won’t drown out the more subtle parts that follow.
TASCAM TM-D1000 Tutorial