Details and responses
Cannot create new mark point.
Mark point already exists
at the same timestamp.
You tried to create a mark at a time where a mark already ex-
ists. You cannot create a mark at the same time as another
Cannot create new project.
Media Full.
The media does not have enough space, so you cannot create
a new project.
Cannot Divide.
already exist in current Session.
Cannot divide as a file with the same name already exists in
the current session.
tttttttt: Take name
Cannot Edit.
System limit reached.
Cannot edit as there is not enough available space for manag-
ing the timeline region or edit history.
Cannot edit this mark point.
Mark point already exists at the
same timestamp.
Since a mark already exists at the same time, the mark cannot
be edited.
Editing is possible even when time DATA is
the same at the frame level if the value dif-
fers at the subframe level, which is not vis-
ible on the screen.
Cannot execute bounce.
Media Full.
The media does not have enough space, so you cannot
Cannot execute bounce.
Bounce file size is over 2GB.
The resulting file size after the bounce would exceed 2 GB, so
bouncing is not possible.
Cannot execute combine.
These property are not matched.
Cannot combine as the properties of the two takes are differ-
"aaaaaaa" = First take to be combined
"bbbbbbb" = Second take to be combined
Cannot execute combine.
Combine file size is over MMM.
Cannot combine as the file size will exceed Max File Size indi-
cated in the Format page on the REC SETUP screen.
MMM = 640MB, 1GB, or 2GB
Cannot execute combine.
Media Full.
The media does not have enough space, so you cannot com-
Cannot execute.
File property is not matched
to current project.
Cannot execute as the file property is not the same as that of
the current project.
Cannot execute.
Media Full.
The media does not have enough space, so you cannot com-
plete the operation.
Cannot Export.
Not enough space on MM
There is not enough available space on the export destination
MM = SD or CF
Cannot Export.
Destination Project is
different Fs.
Cannot export as Fs of the copy destination is different.
Cannot Export.
Folder already exists on MM.
Overwrite session?
A session with the same name already exists in the export des-
tination. Do you want to overwrite that session?
MM = SD or CF
Cannot Export.
Selected Take already exist
in Export destination.
Cannot export as the selected take already exists in the export
Cannot increment Take.
Interval is too short.
Media almost full
The interval was less than 4 seconds or the media does not
have enough space, so starting recording of the next take is
not possible.
Cannot increment Take.
System limit reached,
Please make new session.
The total number of items in the folder, including files and
folders/directories, is too large, so starting recording of the
next take is not possible.
Cannot make more than
1000 sessions.
The maximum number of sessions has already been reached,
so a new session cannot be created.
Cannot make new Session.
Media Full.
The media does not have enough space, so you cannot create
a new session.
Cannot RECORD.
(Internal state error)
Something is preventing recording.
Cannot RECORD.
ABS time is over 24h
The timeline mode’s ABS time exceeds 24 hours so recording
cannot be started.
Cannot RECORD.
Media Full.
The media does not have enough space, so you cannot start