Details and responses
SIZE : u
LENGTH : * h ** m ** s ** f
Take information is shown.
"tttttttt" = take name
date : year/month/day hour: minute
fs : sampling frequency
bit : bit rate
FileMode : MONO or POLY
NumOfTracks : number of tracks
u : space used
LENGTH : length of the take
START T/C : ** : ** : ** : **
END T/C : ** : ** : ** : **
Take information is shown.
"tttttttt" = take name
START T/C : file start time code time
END T/C : file end time code time
FRAME TYPE : frame type
<AES31 ADL Info>
Size : ** MB
yyyy/mm/dd hh : mm
AES31 editing file information
ffffffff = editing information file name
Bounce Selected Area to file?
The selected area will be bounced to file.
ffffffff = file name
The operation was canceled.
Cannot Change Now
Currently **
This item cannot be changed during playback, timecode
chase or recording.
** = Playing, Chasing TC or Recording
Cannot Change Now
Fixed in current Fs.
In the current Fs, settings cannot be changed.
Cannot Change Now
Fixed in current mode.
In the current mode, settings are fixed and cannot be
Cannot Change Now
Inc.Play cannot set to ON
while Play Inhibit Time is Inf.
Since the Play Inhibit Time item is set to Inf, the Inc.Play item
cannot be turned ON.
Cannot Copy.
already exist in current session.
When assigning a take from another session to an entry, that
take is copied to the current session. In this case, a file with
the same name as the copied take already exists in the current
RENAME button: change the name and copy the file
CANCEL button: do not copy
"tttttttt" = the name of the take to be copied
Cannot Copy.
Destination Project is
different Fs.
Cannot copy as Fs of the copy destination is different.
Cannot Copy File.
already exist in Destination.
Cannot copy as the selected file already exists in the copy des-
ffffffff : File name
Cannot Copy Folder.
already exist in Destination.
Cannot copy as the selected folder already exists in the copy
ffffffff : Folder name
Cannot Copy for Insert.
already exist in current Session.
Cannot copy for inserting as the selected file already exists in
the current session.
ffffffff : File name
Cannot Copy for Paste.
already exist in current Session.
Cannot copy for pasting as the selected file already exists in
the current session.
ffffffff : File name
Cannot Copy.
Selected Take already exist
in Copy destination.
Cannot copy as the selected take already exists in the copy
Cannot Copy.
Source folder and
Destination folder is same.
Cannot copy as the source and destination folders are the
Cannot Copy.
Destination folder is
sub-folder of source folder.
Cannot copy as the destination folder is the sub folder of the
source folder.
Cannot create more than
100 projects
The maximum number of projects that can be created has al-
ready been reached, so a new project cannot be created.