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Using  Effects with the  PORTASTUDIO  488 

Effects and signal processing is one of the areas 

where  you  can  really  start  to  have  fun 
customizing your, sound, and develop your own 

unique recording style-  Because there are so 
many  possibilities,  it  also  can  be  confusing. 

There  are  many  different  effect  units  on  the 

market all with different controls, types of inputs 
and outputs, and other characteristics.  Read the 
manual of your effects device, and the following 

sections  to  get the  complete  story  of what's 
possible for your particular situation. 

1.  In-line  processing:  The  processing that's 

easiest  to  understand  doesn't  involve  the 
488  directly  at  all.  You  can  plug  your 
instrument  directly  into  the  input  of the 

effect  device,  and  plug  the  output  of the 
device directly into a  line input of the 488. 
The whole signal gets  processed  (flanged, 
doubled, limited, delayed etc.), and only one 
instrument can  use that processor.  Effect 
pedals for guitar are typically used this way. 

To  get  a  mix  of  processed  ("wet")  and 
original ("dry") signal, the unit must have its 
own "MIX" or "BALANCE" control. 

2.  Send/return  mix  processing:  This  is  the 

most  common  method  of effect  processing, 
especially for reverb  and  delay.  It allows  a 
number  of  different  channels  to  use  the 

same  effect,  while  allowing  you  to  control 

how much effect is mixed with each channel. 
Each of the lower 8  mixer channels can send 

signals to the  EFFECT SEND  1  or 2 outputs 
on the  upper top  panel.  These outputs can 

then  be  connected  to  the  input  of  effect 

devices.  The  processed  signals  from  the 
devices  come  back  into  the  mix  via  the 
STEREO INPUTS. Finally, the effect is mixed 
onto  one  of the  groups  with  the  ASSIGN 
switch  on the stereo channels (9-10 and  11-

12).  This  whole  path- from  the  EFFECT 
SENDS to the  reverb and  back into STEREO 
INPUTS  --  is  called  an  effects  loop.  The 
EFFECT SENDS and 2 MASTERS control how 
much  signal  goes  to  the  reverb  unit;  the 
LEVEL  control  on  the  stereo  channels 
determine  how  much  returns  from  the 
reverb unit. In this method, the stereo inputs 

function as "effect returns". 

Setting Effect Send Levels 

The  goal  is  not to  distort  the  device,  while 

staying  above  the  noise  that  effect  units 
generate.  To get the  best signal-to-noise from 
most effects units, you should send it as strong a 
signal  as you can.  With  a  properly set input 

signal in the 488, the channel EFFECT Send set to 
either 3  o'clock  (EFFECT  1  feed)  or 9  o'clock 

(EFFECT 2 feed), and the EFFECT MASTERS  at 
about 2  o'clock, you  should  get  a  fairly  loud 

signal from the EFFECT SEND jacks. 

If your effects device has an input level control of 
its own, it should be set so the meter or signal 
light  of the  effects  device  is  just  under  the 
overload point on peak signals. When you want 

to hear less effect overall, turn down the return 

LEVEL control, not the EFFECT MASTERS. 

Setting the output level of effect devices 

If the effect send level has been set properly, in 
most cases the  output  level  of the  effect  unit 
should  be  set  as  high  as  possible  without 
clipping  (distorting) the  STEREO INPUTS of the 
488,  but  low  enough  so  that  you  have  a 
reasonable range of control.  If you can get the 
effect sound  you  want with  the  return  LEVEL 
control in the 12 to 2 o'clock range, you're in the 
ballpark.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  very  small 
settings of the Effects Return still give you a mix 
drowning  in effects, turn down the output level 
of your effect device. 

Some  effect  units  have  rear  panel  switches 
setting  input and  output level  ranges  between 
"+4" and "-20 dB".  In this case, try setting the 
input to -20 (high sensitivity) and the output to 
+4 (full output level). 

Setting the mix/balance control on effect 


When  it's being  used  in  a send-return mix, set 
the mix/balance of your effect device all the way 
to "wet" or full processing with no direct original 
signal.  In send/receive processing, the dry signal 
goes down the  488's  CHANNEL FADER to  be 

mixed with the effect return  signal on a group 
master.  Therefore,  you  don't  need  any  "dry" 

signal  coming  to  the  effects  return.  The 
mix/balance  control  is  set  toward  "dry"  only 
when you're using the effects device as an in-line 


Summary of Contents for 488 PORTASTUDIO

Page 1: ...TASCAM TEAC Professional Division 488 5700123804...

Page 2: ...28 Punch in out with RECORD 29 Using RECORD FUNCTION switch 30 Using the remote footswitch RC 30P 30 Bouncing Tracks Ping Pong 31 32 Ping pong procedure 31 Ping pong in stereo procedure 32 Using Effec...

Page 3: ...s not defeated 12 Power Cord Protection Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinch ed by items placed upon or against them paying particular attention to...

Page 4: ...n upperc asefirstletter like Rec ord mode NOT E FOR U K CUSTOMERS U K CustomersOnly Due to the variety of plugs being used in the U K this unitis soldw ithoutan AC plug Please requestyour dealer to in...

Page 5: ...single box It is divided intotw o majorsections afull function mixerand an 8 channel multitrack cassette recorder To complete the recording system you ll additionally need these Input devices microph...

Page 6: ...nputs are usually microphones or instruments going IC different tracks of the recorder In OVERDUBBING theMONITOR section andTAPE CUE of the mixer must be used to listen to previous tracks w hile you r...

Page 7: ...low show s how the input signal passes through the 488 Mixer section After the MASTER faders they go to the GROUP OUT jacks and the multitrack recorder not show n This is the most important signal rou...

Page 8: ...k in the headphones You c an adjustthe monitor level ofeac h trackby adjusting itsTAPE control The channels of the Main Mix remain freeto handleexternal inputsforrecording The five MONITOR Source sw...

Page 9: ...asier to use A three position autolocator MEMO 1 and 2 and Zero allow s k ey positions to be located automatically REPEA T allow s a section to be played over and over betw een the MEM01 and MEM02 poi...

Page 10: ...inkles snarls and shredding of the edges of the tape with use Even small scratches on the tape oxide can c ause dropouts temporary loss of signal on one or more tracks High quality tapes are less like...

Page 11: ...Sliders and Controls...

Page 12: ...correspondingtapetrack Atcenter 12o clock thetapesignalisoffandcantbe heard Turn ittothe leftofcenter MIX tosendthetapesignalthroughthe mixer channel IfINPUTASSIGNisalsoinitsMIXposition thetapereturna...

Page 13: 11 12 jack empty The signal automatically connects to both channels makingassignm enttoallfourgroupspossible ASSIGN sw itches Pressto send the outputofthe St ereo channel to any or all of the four...

Page 14: ...either MEMO point MEMO Hold and press L OC 1 orL OC 2t oent er thecurrentcounterlocation asa newMEMO point RHSL Rehearsal In this mode recording is not possible Pressingthe punc h in pedal orthe RECOR...

Page 15: ...on to a monitoring system Use the PHONES jack for this purpose DBX NR Thisturnsthe dbxnoise reduction on and offforall eighttracks Normally leaveiton SYNC ON OFF This disconnect s the input and output...

Page 16: ...evelandEQcontrolstotheircenter 0 position bring all the faders dow n and set all the sw itches to OFF or to theirUp position 1 Have in hand a dynamic microphone and a set of stereo headphones 2 Plug t...

Page 17: ...theMASTER 1 L 2 R fadert o 7 10 PresstheMONITOR GROU P 1 sw itch 11 TurnthePH ON ES levelcontroluptothe12o clockposition 12 While speaking into the mic slow ly turn the TRIM control in channel 1 to th...

Page 18: ...eel and put the beginningofthetapeinfrontoftheheads 4 Press the COUNTER RESET switch so you can use the RTZ Ret urn To Zero functionto getbac ktothis point 5 Pressthe RECORD FUNCTION 1 The REC 1 indic...

Page 19: ...UE Monitor selection CUE MASTER level adjustment Stop in play 19 1 Pressthe RT Z key Thetapewill rew ind automaticallystopping at counter zero point 2 Set the channel 1 INPUT ASSIGN switch to the cent...

Page 20: ...PUTASSIGNsw itchtotheleft MIXposition 2 Turn the channel 1 PAN control all the w ay to the right EVEN position 3 Chec kto seethatthe channel 1 ASSIGN 1 L 2 R sw itch isstill on dow nposition 4 Bringth...

Page 21: ...the meter should now be blinking as before Press the RECORD FUNCTION 2 sw itch to turn that indicator off How to record all other tracks Trac k s 3 to 8 can be recorded using almostthe same procedure...

Page 22: ...d on track 1 all instruments plugged into inputs 1 4 This mixer c hannel is being sentto Group 1 for rec ord ingoneitherTrac k1orTrac k 5 This m ix erc hannel is being sentt oGroup4 forrec ord ingonei...

Page 23: ...tethe desired sound 1 Connectthe GROUP OUT 1 L jack of the 488 to the left line input of the mixdown deck and the GROUP OUT 2 R jack to the right line input 2 Raise the 1 L 2 R MASTER fader to the sha...

Page 24: ...ignal balance level and tonality sound right rewind thetape and press PLAYagain to checkthe result 10 Rew ind the Multitracktape again Puta blanktape in the mixdown deckand let it play for 10 to 15 se...

Page 25: ...mory point is established and the previous memory point is erased A blinking MEMO indicator show n in the meter w hen the MEMO k ey is held dow n show s the corresponding register already contains a l...

Page 26: ...t PresstheL OC 1k eytofastw indthetapetotheMEMO 1point PresstheL OC 2k eytofastw indthetapetotheMEMO 2point If PLAY is pressed after RTZ LOC 1 or LOC 2 the tape will automaticallystartplayingw henthel...

Page 27: ...end of the loop it will automatically rew indtothe low erMEMO location and startover Press any transportk eys ex c ept Play The function pressed will be activated If the tape is w ound outside the rep...

Page 28: ...H SL L ED bypressingthesw itchagain Punch in out procedure Preliminary The 488 offers 3 w ays to initiate the punch in The first is w ith the transportRECORD k ey thesec ond w iththetrac kRECORD FUNCT...

Page 29: ...unc h in or out Making inserts w ell requires some practice Bec ause of the spacing betw een the eraseandrecord heads you needto anticipateyourin outpointsbya fraction of a second for extremely tight...

Page 30: ...t oftrack2 again in the monitor mix 4 Tostopthetape pressSTOP Using the remote footswitch RC 30P RC 3OP If you are recording alone and are too busy playing an instrumentto push the switches the use of...

Page 31: ...ination of the prerecorded tracks by setting both the INPUT SELECT sw itch and T A PE controls to MIX position See the signal flow ingcharton page7 Ping pongprocedure Inthisexample w ewillcombinemater...

Page 32: ...cord a copyofw hatis ontrack s 1 4 12 You ll hearthe mixbeing recorded ontrac k8 intheheadphones 13 Onc etherecordingisdone pressSTOP 14 The R E C 8 indicatorwill nowbe blinking as before Turnthatoff...

Page 33: ...rmine how much returns from the reverb unit In this method the stereo inputs function as effect returns SettingEffec tSendLevels The goal is not to distort the device w hile staying above the noise th...

Page 34: make sure the EFFECT controls of those channels are set to the center off position Otherwise you will be sending the output of the effect device back to itself which is a kind of feedback If the ef...

Page 35: The maximum stability or resolution of the synchronization is ensured by a TEAC exclusive error correction circuit in the MTS 30 The 488 has dedicated jacks for SYNC tones and can directly record...

Page 36: ...s you turn TRIM up the preamplifier gain increases and w hen you turn TRIM full clockw ise MIC position the nominal input sensitivity of the jack inc reasest o 50dBV 0 3mV 4 INPUT ASSIGN switch Thisco...

Page 37: ...ontrols This section ofthe 488 is m ade up of equalizers and inputfaders and getsitssignalfromthe MIX position of both the INPUT ASSIGN sw itch and theT A PEcontrol The equalizer or EQ is the circuitr...

Page 38: ...e EFFECT SEND MASTERS level controls They are typically connected to the inputs of external devices such as reverbs digital delays etc After the signals are processed they are usually returned to the...

Page 39: ...f the mix similar to using a pan pot NOTE If you re feeding a stereo signal to the L MONO jack but have nothing in the R jack make surethatthe LEVELcontrol on the 11 12 channel is turned down all the...

Page 40: ...ones 19 CU E MASTER control This gets its signal from tape via the CUE side of the TAPE control in channels 1 8 It can also receive signals fed into channels 5 8 if their INPUT ASSIGNsw itch isintheCU...

Page 41: ...ey alone starts playback b If pressed together with RECORD starts recording punch in c Pressing the key during recording stops the recording punch out without stopping the tape motion 29 PAUSE key Tem...

Page 42: ...cted by the RECORD FUNCTION switches 33 TRACK REC indicator Track status Off Safe Blinking Record Stand by On solid Record 35 TRACK level meters They register Input to the tracks group mix or Output f...

Page 43: RECORD orthe RC 30P footsw itch How ever recording will NOT actually take place as long as the RHSL indicator 38 b is blinking This is designed to help you rehearse a punch in without erasing an...

Page 44: ...lso chew s up the tape producing more abrasive material which in turn causes more uneven ear This begins a vicious circle that cannot be stopped once it gets a good start The only solution to this wil...

Page 45: ...le It won t ruin previously recorded material nor will getting it back to original specifications be difficult CAUTION If the surface of the unit gets dirty w ipethesurfac ewith asoftcloth orusea dilu...

Page 46: ...d master faders should not have to be full up atanytime Problem Erratictape sync Solution Try to re record the trackthrough the 488 mixer connectyour synctone generator to a channel of the mixer route...

Page 47: ...minal Output Level PHONES 1 4 stereo phone jack x 1 Nominal Load Impedance Maximum Output Level EQUALIZER HIGH Shelving LOW Shelving Recorder Section Record Playback Channel Noise Reduction SYNC IN RC...

Page 48: ...0 dB 0 06 at 1 k Hz 30dBV input level atTrim Max with 30 k Hz low pass filter inserted 0 05 at 1 k Hz nominal input level with 30 k Hz low pass filter inserted 55 dB at 1 k Hz nominal inputlevel with...

Page 49: ...Level Diagrams MIXER SECTION 49...

Page 50: ...RECORDER SECTION 50...

Page 51: ...ptional Accessories RC 30P Remote Footswitch MTS 30 MIDI Tape Synchronizer Head Demagnetizer PW 2Y PW 4Y Insertion Cable TZ 261 Cleaning Kit Except U S HC 1 Head Cleaner RC 1 Rubber Cleaner U S only 5...



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