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V. ZYX T2-2D Assistant Software
1. Drive & PC Assistant Software Installation and Setup
Please download the drive and PC assistant software from
Run the drive program under USB Driver folder, and finish the installation procedures step by step.
Windows x86: “CP210xVCPInstaller_x86.exe”;
Windows x64: “CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe”;
Connect the USB module to the computer, and finish the installation.
Run the assistant software ZYX
T2-2D.EXE and set the parameters.
2. Introduction
ZYX T2-2D, the dual-axis gimbal, could support the camera to stabilize its positions on the roll and tilt axis.
You could adjust receiver type, working mode, angle range and other options in the assistant software.
First of all, please connect gimbal controller to the PC through a USB cable. Choose a correct COM port and
click the “Connect”.
If the connection is successful, the gimbal would stop rotating to protect your device.
After finish parameters setup, click “Run Gimbal”. Push sticks and toggle switches to ensure the gimbal works
When finish parameters setup, you should click "Write Flash" to ensure all the parameters have written to the
gimbal. Moreover, the gimbal will automatically run the parameters you have saved in the flash next time.