U s in g A d d r e s s B o o k
Changing Address Book display
Using Your Zodiac Handheld
Changing Address Book display
You can change how Address Book lists are sorted and you can add custom
fields for entering additional information, using preferences. You can also
have Address Book display the last category you selected each time you
return to the application.
1. In the Address list or in Address view, tap the Menu icon .
2. From the Options menu, select Preferences.
3. From the Address Book Preferences dialog box, select from the following
Remember last category.
Display the most recently viewed category
the next time you open Address Book.
Last Name, First Name.
Sort the Address list alphabetically by an
individual’s last name and then first name.
Company, Last Name.
Sort the Address list alphabetically by the
company name, and then an individual’s last name.
4. Tap OK.
Adding custom fields at the end of Address Edit screens
1. In the Address list or in Address view, tap the Menu icon .
2. From the Options menu, select Rename Custom Fields.