Frequently asked questions about booking using the Lotus integration package
TANDBERG IBM Lotus Notes/Domino v 11.3 - Installation & getting started guide
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: No, TMS Phone books are not available from the Lotus Integration package. Systems not
listed in your Lotus Notes Address Book can be added to the meeting as External Participants.
Alternatively, if there are numbers or sites that you use often that you would like to have available for
booking in Lotus, TANDBERG recommends defining a room in TMS to represent the contact and
making a resource representation of that room in the Lotus Integration package. This allows a non-
managed device to be booked in both TMS and Lotus Notes.
: Is resource booking via Domino Web Access (iNotes) supported?
: Resources set up with the Lotus Integration package can be booked via the iNotes web
interface, but the extra
Video Conference Settings
button will not be available. Therefore the extra
settings on that page are also unavailable and only conference defaults will be used.
: In the recurrent meeting acceptance email, when I open its recurrence settings I see
strange date/time values. Why?
: This means that you do not have the TANDBERG Mail template applied to your Lotus user
settings. The described behavior appears only with the default IBM template. The actual meeting
date/time isv displayed correctly in user Calendar even with the default template. This is as a known
issue when the TANDBERG Mail template is not used.