tams elektronik
Ceramic capacitors
Among other things ceramic capacitors are used for
filtering interference voltages or as frequency determining
parts. Ceramic capacitors are not polarized.
Normally they are marked with a three-digit number which
indicates the value coded.
The number 104 corresponds to the value 100 nF.
Electrolytic capacitors
Electrolytic capacitors are often used to store energy. In
contrast to ceramic capacitors they are polarized. The
value is given on the package.
Electrolytic capacitors are available with different voltage
sustaining capabilities. Using an electrolytic capacitor with
a voltage sustaining capability higher than required is
always possible.
Diodes and Zener diodes
Diodes allow the current to pass through in one direction
only (forward direction), simultaneously the voltage is
reduced by 0,3 to 0,8 V. Exceeding of the limit voltage
always will destroy the diode, and allow current to flow in
the reverse direction.
Zener diodes are used for limiting voltages. In contrast to "normal"
diodes they are not destroyed when the limit voltage is exceeded.
The diode type is printed on the package.
Rectifiers convert alternating into direct voltage. They have
four pins: two for the input voltage (a.c. voltage) and two
for the output voltage (d.c. voltage). The pins for the
output voltage are polarized.
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