OY1110 LoRaWAN Temperature and humidity sensor, User manual, Version 1.0
To check the device state, press the button and hold it pressed until the red LED starts
flashing after 0.5s.
LED response
Low power state during transport. Radio not active.
1 short flash (0.5 sec)
Trying to join a LoRaWAN network. The device
will remain in this state until successfully joined a
LoRaWAN network
2 short flash (0.5 sec)
Enables quick over-the-air configuration, by polling
server after configuration commands during 2
minutes. This is done by sending uplink status
command (0x20).
1 long flash (2 sec)
Joined to a LoRaWAN network, measures
temperature and humidity periodically, and sends
measurement reports toward a LoRAWAN network.
1 long flash (2 sec)
Re-join functionality
The device supervises its connectivity to the network, by monitoring that periodic downlink
messages are received.
The device tries to re-join the network if it has not heard anything from the network for 288
uplinks (3 days @ 15-minute message interval). The device requests and normally gets a
downlink ever 64th uplink due to the ADRAckReq functionality.