OY1110 LoRaWAN Temperature and humidity sensor, User manual, Version 1.0
Installation and activation
The sensor consists of a bottom piece, to be mounted on the wall, and a top piece with the
active parts.
Figure 2: Mounting information
The bottom piece is mounted on the wall with the “UP” arrow upwards. It can be mounted
either with screws or adhesive tape.
Figure 3: Push button and LED
The top piece contains all active components. The unit is shipped in sleep mode, i.e. with all
functions, including radio, deactivated. The sensor is activated by pressing the push button for
3 seconds until the red LED makes two short flashes, make sure to not hold longer than 5
seconds. When the device has successfully joined the LoRaWAN network there will be a long
(2s) flash.
Note “UP”