OY1110 LoRaWAN Temperature and humidity sensor, User manual, Version 1.0
Size: 1 Byte (Grouping header) + n x 3 Byte (Measurement value) where n = number of
grouped measurements
The latest measurement performed right before the transmission is sent first in the report. To
decode the number of measurements in a grouped measurement report the payload length
must be used. The time between the measurements (dT) are described in the Grouping header.
The data format is further explained in chapter 9.3.3 Measurement value and chapter 9.3.4
Grouping header.
Measurement value
The measurement value for each measurement is sent as two unsigned 12-bit values coded in
three bytes.
Byte 0: Temperature, bit 11 – bit 4
Byte 1: Relative humidity, bit 11 – bit4
Byte 2:
bit 7-4: Temperature, bit 3 – bit 0
bit 3-0: Relative humidity, bit 3 – bit 0
Figure 5: Measurment value encoding
Temperature conversion
The temperature measurement is transmitted using an unsigned 12-bit value. The scaling is
1/10 °C and the offset is 80 °C, which means the received value should be subtracted by 800
and then divided with 10 to get it in °C.
See example in 9.3.5