OY1110 LoRaWAN Temperature and humidity sensor, User manual, Version 1.0
Relative humidity conversion
The relative humidity (rH) measurement is transmitted using an unsigned 12-bit value. The
scaling is 1/10 % rH and the offset is 25 % rH, which means the received value should be
subtracted by 250 and then divided with 10 to get it in % rH.
See example in 9.3.5
Grouping header
A periodic grouped measurement report starts with a grouping header, with information of
time between the measurements, dT. The dT is coded using an 8-bit unsigned value. If bit7
(the most significant bit) is cleared (=0) the other 7 bits (bit0-bit6) indicates the number of
minutes between two measurements. If bit7 (the most significant bit) is set (=1) the other 7
bits (bit0-bit6) indicates the number of hours between two measurements.
Example: Single measurement report
Data with single measurement when TxGroupsSiz = 1 sent on LoRaWAN port 2
3E 44 1d
3E1: 993 => 19.3 gradC
44D: 1101 => 85.1 % Rh
Example: Grouped measurement report
Data with multiple measurements when TxGroupsSize = 3 and MeasurementInterval =
15 sent on LoRaWAN port 3
0F 2E 3C CD 33 38 D2 39 31 F5
Total length = 10 bytes. Header = 1 bytes, each measurement = 3 bytes. Then
number of measurements is (10-1)/3=3, i.e. 3 measurements