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4) Shutter mode report
Transmission from host: STX: “R”: “S”: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: “R”: “
” *
: “
” *
: “
” *
: Exposure time *
1 to 3
: Refer to (4) command “S”
: Exposure time
4 characters are returned as the electronic shutter exposure time.
In the case where the electronic shutter exposure time is externally set:
When the exposure time is set in the unit of H (horizontal scan time), the exposure setting count value of the
time in H is returned.
Example) If the shutter exposure time is 16H(1/2000):
In the case where the electronic shutter exposure time is set using the shutter switch number on the connector
Example) If the shutter switch is set to “4”:
In the case where the electronic shutter exposure time is set by the shutter switch number via a RS-232C
Example) If “3” is specified for the shutter switch, :
(3) Command “G”
Function: Command for setting gain
Transmission from host: STX: “G”: MGC setting value: AGC setting value: (VRT setting value): (VRB setting value):
OFFSET setting value):(auxiliary setting):(auxiliary setting): ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion) or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
(!) This camera does not use the values in parentheses.
“ . ” must be transmitted to the camera. The same for “auxiliary setting”.
2 digit ASCII codes in the hexadecimal system are used for the data setting values of MGC,AGC and OFFSET.
Example) If level 128 (decimal) is set:
If level 200 (decimal) is set:
The setting value that does not require a change should be represented by “.” (a full stop) so that the setting value before
the command transmission is retained.
Example) if only MGC is changed to Level 90 (decimal):
STX: “G”: “5A”: “.”: “.”: “.”: “.”: ETX
(4) Command “S”
Function: Command for setting shutter mode and shutter exposure time
Transmission from host: STX: “S”: “A” or “M”: “H” or “L”: “N” or “F”: exposure time: ETX
Return by camera:
STX: ACK: ETX (transaction completion), or STX: NAK: ETX (transaction rejection)
The transmitting command has the following meanings:
STX: “S”: “A” or “M”: “H” or “L”: “N” or “F”: Exposure time: ETX
*1 *2 *3 *4
*1 A: Asynchronous shuttr
M: Continuous shutter
*2 H: High speed shutter
L: Low speed shutter
*3 N: Normal scan
F: Partial scan
*4: Exposure time
4 characters are returned as the electronic shutter exposure time.
In the case where the electronic shutter exposure time is externally set:
When the exposure time is set in the unit of H (horizontal scan time), the exposure setting count value of the time in H is
Example) If the shutter exposure time is 16H(1/2000):
STX: “S”: “.”: “.”: “.”: “0010”: ETX
In the case where the exposure time is set using the shutter SW number on the connector panel:
Example) If the shutter SW is set to “4”:
STX: “S”: “.”: “.”: “.”: “S4..”: ETX
In the case where the exposure time is set to 3H in the asynchronous/high speed shutter mode:
STX: “S”: “A”: “H”: “.”: “0003”: ETX
In the case where the control is returned to the one using the rear panel of the camera:
STX: “S”: “.”: “.”: “.”: “0000”: ETX
(Note) When the exposure time is externally set with the command “S”, the exposure time of the camera will finally be
locked to the position specified by the command. This locked state is released when the exposure time is set to
“0000” by RS-232C again as described above.