AG-1000 User’s Manual
SMS Alert Gateway
All contents are subjected to change without prior notice
Rev 7.3
Page 2 of 27
Copyright © 2005 Taiko Network Communications Pte Ltd
Section 1 Introduction
1.1 Product Overview
SMS alert gateway is designed as a cost effective remote system alert device which is capable of
monitoring up to 8 dry contacts and 4 relay outputs. User-defined SMS will be sent out to the designated
hand phone numbers when alarm condition happens. These pre-configured hand phone users can be any
technicians or engineers who are responsible in handling the corresponding alarm. With the aid of this
gateway, the alarm conditions will alert the responsible personnel immediately. Besides this, it allows
the hand phone users to trigger any relay output by using SMS. These relay output can be connected to
any alarm indication device, such as an alarm siren. When the unit undergoes a power reset or internal
reset, all 4 output relay will be set back to de-energize state.
There is a built-in microprocessor chip which is running on a real-time operating system. It takes
immediate response to any changes in both the inputs and outputs condition. A GSM modem is also
embedded in the gateway. User has to subscribe a SIM card for the gateway. The gateway can be
installed in any location under GSM coverage.
A web-base configuration is embedded in the gateway. Alert settings, such as hand phone numbers,
alert SMS message, and alarm condition can be configured through the webpage. The webpage utilizes
Ethernet connection therefore user can configure the gateway through any computer connected within
the LAN. Details on the function and operation conditions will be covered in the following sections